We are currently meeting at the Masonic Lodge - located at 2501 Pollard Fort Worth, Texas 76112 

From Irving and Mid-Cities:
Take 183 west.  Take South  Loop 820 and exit  Meadowbrook.  Turn Right on Meadowbrook -
Go about a quarter mile and turn left on Pollard

From Arlington/Grand Prairie/Dallas
I-20 or  West to Loop 820.  Take 820 North and exit Meadowbrook.  Turn Left on Meadowbrook -
Go about a quarter mile and turn left on Pollard

1-30 take 820 South and Exit Meadowbrook Turn  Left on Meadowbrook -
Go about a quarter mile and turn left on Pollard

From the West:
Take 1-20  East to Loop 820. Take 820 North and exit Meadowbrook.  Turn Left on Meadowbrook -
Go about a quarter mile and turn left on Pollard

Take 1-30  East to Loop 820. Take 820 South and exit Meadowbrook.  Turn Left on Meadowbrook -
Go about a quarter mile and turn left on Pollard

From the North:
Take 35 South to Loop 820.  Take East Loop 820 South and exit  Meadowbrook.  Turn Right on Meadowbrook -
Go about a quarter mile and turn left on Pollard

From the South:
Take I-35 North to I-20.  Take I-20 east to Loop 820. Take 820 North and Meadowbrook.  Turn Left on Meadowbrook -
Go about a quarter mile and turn left on Pollard

The Church of Jesus Christ 
Ft. Worth Restoration Branch